Wednesday, February 17, 2010

wow has it been that long!!!!

I honestly can say that I do not have a clue where all the time has gone.It seems that time is quickly flying by and I don't know where it has gone - my only wish is that I could bottle time!!!! wouldn't that fetch a fair price at market. I have been trying to keep on top of my photo a day images so lets give it a go and see how up to date I have kept it.... I have decided to call this February a photo a day and just number them one through to twenty eight so that I can keep on top of it all. So here we go.....

Day One....this is a photo of a gardenia which is in our backyard and I love this plant when it is full as it smells so devine...pity about the hay fever! This is the first flower that it has bloomed this year....sooo pretty...

Day Two...Katie had Pirate Day at Girl Guides and she had alot of fun....

Day Three....I took Willow out for morning tea this morning and meet with one of my girlfriends that has just had a baby about six weeks here is Willow holding Tyler....

Day Four.....Happy birthday to you Happy birthday dear Karen.....Yes it was Karens birthday and we went out for dinner and had a lovely time.....

Day Five....Willow....

Day new school bag for excited yet so nervous at the same time...

Day Seven...The kids had some fun in the kitchen as we had Aunty Annie and Uncle Sam come and have dinner with us and dessert was pav. They had alot of fun.....

Day Eight....I'm dying to see this flick and there isn't many days left to go in fact there is only twenty five days left to go.....can't wait!!!!

Day Nine...Look at my new coffee cup for school....isn't soooo cute! Aunty Annie bought it for me for when I go to Tafe so I look like a big girl (lol) I love it! It's just, love, love it....alot of usage will be happening to this little pretty....

Day Ten...Mum went into hospital this week for a minor op but we went over in the morning to see her just before she went in....

Day 11...a bit of a cheats photo I took this one when The Country Music Festival was here and I just loved all the pretty colours lined up though Katie thought it was great to try the different flavours....

Day Twelve... First flowers on my Orange Blossom dainty....

Day Thirteen....Little daisies....

Day Fourteen... Happy Valentines Day....

Day Fifteen....New fighting fish my mortisha died and it has taken me a while to replace her but I have with the devine Anistasa...yes I know that is a girls name and that the pretty fish are boy ones but it just suits him so Anistasa it is lol....

Day Sixteen....What a joyful day at Tafe today was as we had to do our OHS safety at Tafe- exciting (sorry Digby but how can you make common sense sound fun!!!) so todays picture is out of my next door neighbours garden because it was a late and head ache kind of day at Tafe....Love the bright yellow though....

Day Seventeen...Homework today and I did it this arvo so it was completed just have to print it out and put it on the USB and frame it on a matt board opps forgot about that part better pull my finger out....we had to take a motion blurr picture....

Day 18....Just loved the look of the tree as it was all bare....

Day 19....I have always wanted to get a photo of this lovely lost tree that sits in the water but I think I will go back some day and try and get it when the light is not so bright...still love this tree....

Well that is my photo a day up to date for the next week I hope not to let it get so out of control when I next sit up here but I can't control what time allows me to get done but I will get there. I'll be back in the next couple of days with some scrapbooking as I have done some not much but a little so I hope to see you back and hugs jen xoxoxoxox