Saturday, May 2, 2009

Finally some scrappin'

So even with work, Dad going in for an op, going to a couple of movies, medical appointments for myself and the kids on school hoidays I still got to finish a couple of projects which I am so happy lets have a look shall we

These here are a little booklet which inside house a six cards and envelopes. I really love this little owl stamp and again using basic grey papers....

The front.....

The inside....

As we all know I am addicted to the Tarisota collections - can't help myself. This month I signed up for one of the classes using the kit which was a Ngaire Bartlam class and this is what mine came out is a little Urban Lily slide album which holds hidden photos or journalling if you want....

This project has taken me a while to get finished with work and kids and blah blah blah but extremely happy with the end result. I actually got the little book thing from a previous Tarisota Collection and had no idea what I was going to do with it until Easter sprung upon us and it worked really well. It again is an Urban Lily off the page and I have no idea what they call it but it is really cool and it comes in bits so you can put it together any way you really like. I have used the Bali Breeze papers from my dear friend Lisa Johnston as I love these papers and a few bits and bobs from my never ending stash which is great because it gives me more space to put more LOL!!! I find all the little bits never go very quickly does anyone else find that???

This is the back page and I just love this photo as my little niece Willow couldn't get her hands on enough chocolate so she became the chocolate monster and tried stealing what ever she found it poor Johno's easter bag...

Well that is me up to date how many blogs later I don't know but I do know that it is coffee time and then I best get in and do the ironing sounds like fun...then off to work....have a great day all you lovelies lots of love and hugs jen xoxoxoxoxo

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