Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Just a few more layouts

I've just uploded a heap of work to Blue Bazaar again!!!! Here is a bit of a sneak peek for you all. Have a great day!!!!

This is what life is really like when you are addicted to scrapbooking. If Aunty Shirley is having a read right about now she will see that this is her table setting as I have a tendency to pack a travelling tote when we go away and every morning or evening I would be found here playing with my stash of goodies.

These are my Wednesday night scrapbookin' buddies Sarah and Kellie. We have a blast every Wednesday night and this was Sarah's last Wednesday night with us as she had to go back to work. Kellie and I are sadden by her sudden departure but we hope to have a few different nights together real soon. Sarah I hope you don't have scrappers withdrawl - its not really nice especially the night sweats!!!!

1 comment:

sarahjayne9 said...

AWWWWWWWWWW Jen how sweet are you,thanks mate i'm missing our wednesday's already but i'm sure there will be plenty more to come,thanks for having me in your home.