Sunday, September 20, 2009

Where has the time gone!!!

I honestly can say I don't know where the time has passed and it seems to have gone way to quick....This weekend was the end of Katies Hockey for the year and presentation day was on Saturday. Katie loves her hockey

Sunday was a big day for us as a family as John went to his first ISCA tornament for Karate here in Tamworth and the exciting part of it all is that in his point sparing he came 3rd we are all so proud of him...

Now for some scrapbooking these are the new My little shoe box papers and I just had to have them along with everything else that I own but oppps they are so darn cute!!!
The photo is of Katie and Rhianna and they have such a special bond....

I also got around to making some more card thingo's as I have that many scraps and promised myself that I would be cleaning up all the bits and bobs as I used them but never quite happens that way but oh well.....

These little gems are some of my chrissy presents instead of making fully scrapbooked mini albums like I normally do I have cheated and purchased a kit from Shop and Crop which my wonderful dear friend Deb came up with but don't be offended Deb you know me I have to put my own little touches on things...oh by the way I love making these little flowers lately I have put them on everything....

Well I better get into another post as I have lots to share I have been quite a busy little beaver and time is running out so must get scooting...luv and hugs jen xoxoxox

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