Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Some Scrappin' ......

In my time off apart from doing the mum thing as best as one could I had a few sleepless nights and could not get back to sleep so I got up at about 2am every morning and got in and did some scrapbooking.... here are some of the pages I got completed....ontop of the pages that are here which a couple of them are online classes I also got a mini book nearly finished so not to bad for a few nights bad sleep.....

This photo would have to be one of my favs at the moment it is of my dad and Johno at Easter time....

I don't know if I mentioned Ronald McDonald House easter raffle earlier on but Katie got involved in a big way and was asked to go up and draw out the winners and this is her page for her album....I actually scraplifted this off the Tarisota collection - thanks Ngaire xxoxxoxx

I love how this page turned out and it all blended so well with the colouring and all very happy.....

This is Willow at Easter time after the egg hunt in the back yard... She had a fasination with the bright coloured Easter wrappers more so than the chocolate itself

Yep....I am terribly behind with my scrapbooking as this is a photo of my brother and his fiancee Hailey at their engagement BBQ....Love this set of papers they are just yummy.....

Well thats it for now I will have to get in and do the housework wash the car and the list goes on but you get that I suppose. Until next time have heaps of fun and we will catch up again soon Lots of hugs jen xoxoxox

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