Friday, January 22, 2010

Busy! Busy! Busy!

Well Im quickly sitting here whilst there is peace and quite yep the darling hubby and son have gone off fishing for the weekend and Katie has gone to Nanny's at Inverell for a sleepover while I have to go to work! They left this morning at 5.30am and I have already got the housework done so I'm cheering!!!!

The last few days have been a bit full on with work commitments but I have managed to squeeze in a few trips over town to see what I can find and even though my day photo is a photo of the post office I love the little clouds surrounding it and look at how clean and crisp that sky looks.....lovely.....

OK if your not a country music bumkin you probably have no idea on who the next fellow is but it is James Blundell and how did I get this photo I hear you ask well I just flucked it to be honest with you he was at the Bluey bus thing - Telstra and they had various artists appearing on certain days and I happened to be there....quite a good photo I think.....

Ok now this has nothing to do with country music but is a lot of fun!!!! The kids went to vacation care and on Wednesday it was hippie day so off I went to find some costumes and no they didn't come out of our wardrobes but they had a brilliant time this day and had soooo much fun.....

On Thursday I got to babysit my little niece willow and had to pick her up quite early so she had a bath before we went over town....isn't she cute....

Friday.....oh what a busy day anyone who knows me knows that Fridays are always a busy full on day and today was no different.... we went to the leuamemia walk for life this morning as my dear girlfriends daughter was diagnosed with it last year at the age of three....she is still going through treatment but loves Katie Kirk and always wants Katie to come and play....they have a really close special bond....the day was lots of fun and then it was off to work for me after I got to do the 30 minute walk.....

Georgie and Katie.....

The girls with Lucky Bear....

I have heaps more to share but the parade down the street starts at 9am this morning and I so wish to get down there so I shall be back soon.....have a great day oh and before I forget Belinda was home for a few nights and last night the girls had a scrappin' get together unfortunately because of work commitments I couldn't attend so Belinda all my love and hope to catch up soon....hugs and love jen xoxoxxoxo

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