Monday, January 4, 2010

A Photo A Day....

OK so the latest fade at the moment is a photo a day I am truely hoping to keep up with this one as I do love to take alot of photos so lets give it a go.....

Day One...a photo of my 25 days of Christmas book....

Day Two....Was watching a Bon Jovi DVD and couldn't help myself....anyone who knows me well knows I'm in love with him....

Day Three....Montana, John, Katie and Haylen playing in the pool whilst we scrapbooked....perfect day....

Day Four....Willows 1st day at preschool and I got to take her along with the rest of the clan....we must have looked like the mob when we all walked in ready to deliver her....sooooo cute as she sat up in the booster seat....look at her little ponnie tails aren't they cute....I can remember when Katie had them (thats after she got hair!!!!)

I hope you enjoy my photo a day challenge I will be back with some more quite soon....lots of hugs and kisses Jen xoxoxox

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